const { query } = await Service.import("applications") const WINDOW_NAME = "applauncher" /** @param {import('resource:///com/github/Aylur/ags/service/applications.js').Application} app */ const AppItem = app => Widget.Button({ on_clicked: () => { App.closeWindow(WINDOW_NAME) app.launch() }, attribute: { app }, child: Widget.Box({ children: [ Widget.Icon({ icon: app.icon_name || "", size: 42, }), Widget.Label({ class_name: "title", label:, xalign: 0, vpack: "center", truncate: "end", }), ], }), }) const Applauncher = ({ width = 500, height = 500, spacing = 12 }) => { // list of application buttons let applications = query("").map(AppItem) // container holding the buttons const list = Widget.Box({ vertical: true, children: applications, spacing, }) // repopulate the box, so the most frequent apps are on top of the list function repopulate() { applications = query("").map(AppItem) list.children = applications } // search entry const entry = Widget.Entry({ hexpand: true, css: `margin-bottom: ${spacing}px;`, // to launch the first item on Enter on_accept: () => { // make sure we only consider visible (searched for) applications const results = applications.filter((item) => item.visible); if (results[0]) { App.toggleWindow(WINDOW_NAME) results[0] } }, // filter out the list on_change: ({ text }) => applications.forEach(item => { item.visible = ?? "") }), }) return Widget.Box({ vertical: true, css: `margin: ${spacing * 2}px;`, children: [ entry, // wrap the list in a scrollable Widget.Scrollable({ hscroll: "never", css: `min-width: ${width}px;` + `min-height: ${height}px;`, child: list, }), ], setup: self => self.hook(App, (_, windowName, visible) => { if (windowName !== WINDOW_NAME) return // when the applauncher shows up if (visible) { repopulate() entry.text = "" entry.grab_focus() } }), }) } // there needs to be only one instance export const applauncher = Widget.Window({ name: WINDOW_NAME, setup: self => self.keybind("Escape", () => { App.closeWindow(WINDOW_NAME) }), visible: false, keymode: "exclusive", child: Applauncher({ width: 500, height: 500, spacing: 12, }), })